dr hab. Grzegorz Osipowicz, prof. UMK
Head of the Prehistory Department at the Institute of Archeology, NCU in Toruń.
Tasks provided in the project: Use-wear analysis of the bone artefacts; technological, typological analysis of the bone artefacts; correlation and interpretation of study results.

dr Justyna Orłowska
Prehistory Department at the Institute of Archeology, NCU in Toruń.
Tasks provided in the project: Traceological analysis; photographic, drawing, and descriptive documentation of the conducted analyzes; sampling; webmaster.

doc. dr Giedrė Piličiauskienė
Faculty of History, Vilnius University
Tasks provided in the project: Zooarchaeological analysis of the materials from included Lithuanian sites

dr Gytis Piličiauskas
Lithuanian Institute of History
Tasks provided in the project: Building the theoretical background for the conducted traceological studies on collections from Lithuanian sites. Consultations on the prehistory of Lithuania and the specificity of hunter-gatherer and Early Neolithic communities in this country. Typological analyzes of the included Lithuanian materials. Organization of excavations at the sites of Kaltanėnai and Garnys.

assoc. prof. Lembi Lõugas
Tasks provided in the project: Zooarchaeological analysis of materials from Estonian sites.

dr Heidi Luik
Archaeological research collection, Tallinn University
Tasks provided in the project: Building the theoretical background for the conducted traceological studies on collections from Estonian sites. Consultations on the prehistory of Estonia and the specificity of hunter-gatherer and Early Neolithic communities in this country. Typological analyzes of the included Estonian materials.

prof. Ilga Zagorska
Institute of Latvian History, University of Latvia
Tasks provided in the project: Building the theoretical background for the conducted traceological studies on collection from Zviejnieki. Consultations on the prehistory of Estonia and the specificity of hunter-gatherer and Early Neolithic communities in this country. Typological analyzes of the included Estonian materials.

dr Mariusz Bosiak
Department of Organic Chemistry in Faculty of Chemistry, NCU in Toruń.
Tasks provided in the project: Physical-chemical analysis (SEM-EDX, GC-MS, ATR-FT-IR) of residues discovered on artefacts.

Prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Szostek
Institute of Biological Sciences, Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw
Tasks provided in the project: Raw material analysis with the use of ZooMS and FTiR.

dr Eve Rannamäe
University of Tartu
Tasks provided in the project: Development and interpretation of results of ZooMS research results.

assoc. prof. Emanuela Cristiani
DANTE – Diet and Ancient Technology laboratory at Sapienza University of Rome (Department of Maxillo – Facial Sciences)
Tasks provided in the project: Analysing micro remains preserved on prehistoric artefacts.

dr Lucy Kubiak-Martens
BIAX Consult Biological Archaeology & Environmental Reconstruction. Netherlands
Tasks provided in the project: Analysing plant macro remains preserved on prehistoric artefacts.